UWSJC created the NEST (Nonprofit Enterprise Support Team) as a vehicle to support our continued efforts to help local nonprofits enhance the capacity necessary to affect change in San Joaquin County. As an extension of the NEST we are offering the Nonprofit Capacity Building Program in partnership with the City of Stockton.
The Nonprofit Capacity Building Program (NCBP) is a collaborative initiative between United Way of San Joaquin County and the City of Stockton. This program aims to enhance the organizational capacity of nonprofits and amplify their efforts to bring about positive change in our community. Spanning over nine months, the NCBP comprises two distinct phases.
During the initial four months of the program, participants engage in bi-monthly sessions with program facilitators. These sessions serve to deepen their comprehension of healthy organizational structures, reinforce skills that enable them to better respond to emerging needs, and provide leadership training to enhance their capacity as creative problem solvers. This is achieved by focusing on four key pillars of nonprofit management:
Board Governance
Operational Infrastructure
Revenue Structures
Brand & Community Engagement
The latter part of the Nonprofit Capacity Building Program allows each participating organization to write a comprehensive Sustainability Plan. This plan encapsulates the knowledge gained during the first four months of the program, enabling organizations to articulate clear strategies for achieving long-term success and sustainability for their organization. With support from NCBP staff, participants collaboratively develop this dynamic plan. By the conclusion of July, each organization produces a thorough Sustainability Plan aligned with their organization’s mission and vision. This plan serves as a guiding framework for their growth, impact, and enduring viability.
The NCBP culminates with each participating organization presenting their individual Sustainability Plan in the second week of August. A Graduation Celebration at the end of August marks the program's closure, providing an opportunity to invite community members and other organizations to celebrate the participants' program completion.
• Hold an executive Leadership, CEO, Board Chair position
• Must have been in operation for a minimum of three years at the time of application.
• Must have current 501(c)(3) tax exemption status.
• Must have an established Board of Directors.
• Must have a current ranking with Charity Navigator or Guide Star.
• Must agree to the Attendance Commitment: Attend sessions twice a month for the first four months of the program, as well as any other mandatory sessions required.
• Must agree to the Tuition Commitment:
• Willingness to make the tuition commitment required for the program.
• For organizations with a budget of $1 million or more: $1,200 per person. For organizations with a budget of less than $1 million: $600 per person.
• Tuition is due in full prior to the first class. Scholarships are available based on need.
• A fee of $35 per person will be charged for any additional guests beyond the Executive Director and Board Chair for each session they attend. Please provide advance notice to ensure availability of space and materials.
To participate in the NEST's Nonprofit Capacity Building Program, you must complete the online application.
The cohort 3 application now open! Click here to apply.
Criteria for the program includes:
Provide proof of 3 years of operating budget as a nonprofit
Organization must have a standing Board of Directors and clear Bylaws
Organization must be tax-exempt under Section 501c3 of the Internal Revenue Code
Provide services within Stockton area zip codes
Provide services to populations that are at risk and/or in need
Organization must be willing to commit to participating in monthly sessions as scheduled
For organizations with a budget of $1 million or more: $1,200 per person. For organizations with a budget of less than $1 million: $600 per person. Tuition is due in full before the first class. Scholarships are available based on need. A fee of $35 per person will be charged for any additional guests beyond the Executive Director and Board Chair for each session they attend.
1.Brand & Community Engagement
2. Operational Framework
3.Revenue Structures
4.Board Governance
Subject Matter Experts
Real-Time Feedback
Real World Relevance
Sustainability Plans
Opens: September 5
Closes: November 1
December 3, 5:00 – 8:00 PM at The NEST, United Way of San Joaquin Office
Hours: 11:30 AM – 4:30 PM
January 14
January 28
February 11
February 25
March 11
March 25
April 8
April 22
• Completion of a 3-5 year Sustainability Plan
• Adherence to Attendance Commitment
• Adherence to Tuition Commitment
If selected, you will be notified by a United Way team member.
If you have any questions please contact Jose Serrano, Director of Advancement, at 209.320.6216 or email jserrano@unitedwaysjc.org.