Every day, people in San Joaquin County struggle with health issues that may seem impossible to solve.
The opioid epidemic. Families who can’t afford medical care for their children. Senior citizens who can’t afford life-saving medicine. Or people who can’t find healthy food nearby. These are tough problems that threaten the future of individuals and communities.
And it’s just gotten worse during the pandemic. The COVID-19 pandemic has deepened inequities already evident in the United States. Black communities are disproportionately impacted by the virus. African American deaths from COVID-19 are nearly two times greater than would be expected based on the percentage of the U.S. population. In four states, the rate is three or more times greater.
That’s why United Way is working to improve health for everyone, in every community we serve. Across a global network of nearly 1,200 United Ways, we’re introducing urban farm stands to neighborhoods in need. We’re fighting for children’s health insurance and helping people save money on medicine. And we’re advocating for, and implementing, health-promoting policies aimed at curbing epidemics.
United Way impacts 48 million people, including:*
7.2 million people who participated in physical activity and/or healthy food access/nutrition programs
4.3 million people who accessed healthcare services and support
722,037 people who accessed health insurance
United Way does more than raise money. We are the problem solvers, the hand raisers. We are the game changers. We surround a community’s most critical problems—and we fight. With our partners—including 45,000+ companies across the globe—we’re offering hope and help where it’s needed the most.
We are building stronger communities, but there’s still so much more to do. Around the world and in our own backyard, we’re fighting to build jobs and an economy that will fuel a better tomorrow. Find out how to get involved at unitedwaysjc.org
*From UWW’s most recent Global Results Framework, found here