New Offices and New Moves

United Way has spent the past six months building a dynamic and exciting new vision for UWSJC. We conducted what we refer to as our "Big Dig", in which we essentially dug deep into the communities we serve and listened to what donors, nonprofit partners, and community leaders felt were the most pressing issues for our staff and board of directors to address, so we could create actionable change.
We spoke to over 200 people in focus groups, in person, by phone, via a survey tool to better understand how people felt about our organization, but most importantly we ask people what they wanted UWSJC to do in order to support the residents and nonprofit partners of San Joaquin County. From that treasure trove of information, we were able to create what we are calling our BOLD MOVES Strategic Plan-strong words for a small organization but one that we feel is critical if we are to expand our fiscal position to drive both funds and personnel support to our nonprofit agencies across the county. Being BOLD is our new anthem.
Our BOLD MOVES strategy includes a focus on how UWSJC will create lasting social impact, how we will meet our goals and objectives to sustain strong social impact and how we support and create a work culture that allows us to implement and launch new initiatives. Our Board of Directors, led by our Chair, Tammie Murrell has been instrumental in directing our actions in two important directions. 
Our social impact areas for the next three years will be on Homelessness and Education. Both key challenges in our communities. In both impact areas, we will work with agencies as a partner. While we will continue to support multiple areas of focus-we plan to target these two based on feedback from others and simply put-this is the right thing to do. By taking a targeted approach to these two social impact areas we can work with others to hopefully measure our impact and create lasting change.